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Support the project

Smart Money Tools does not run ads nor have any sponsors.

If this website has helped you and you'd like to see it continue to be developed with more features, please consider donating.

Thank you!

How does your contribution help?

Ongoing costs

There are on-going costs to running this website that I am currently paying for myself. This means that there may come a time when I cannot afford to do so and might have to close the site, or the alternative is to have adverts.

Avoid Adverts

I'm not a big fan of adverts so I would like to avoid putting adverts on this website and ensure a positive user experience.

Development of new features

I would like to spend more time on this website and develop new features and tools that will benefit everyone.

Currently, I can only work on the website during my spare time, which varies depending on my work and personal life. In short, it means if I am busy then this website will have to take a back seat unfortunately.